CSR Project, Brawijaya University
Professor: Muhammad Satya Adhitama, ST., M.Sc.
Location: Malang, East Java
Year: 2019

A security post renovation in a neighborhood in Malang with surround area without public area. The design proposal tends to replace the existing security post into a public area where residents in the area can use it for gathering, sports activity, and gardening as a way of place-making.



Gazebo with a table for gathering, bookshelves for storage, a portable stair that can be move for more space and access, and a 3-point basketball court for sports activity with the ring supported by the gazebo beam.

Plants variety for a vertical garden like green or yellow borrelia plant, yellow cryptanthus plant, and rock soapwort flower arranged with a vase that can be hanged and remove for easier maintenance.

Gathering Place

Gathering Place


Creative Fields